Steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1, also termed Ad4BP; NR5A1 in the official nomenclature) is a nuclear receptor transcription factor that plays a crucial role in the regulation of adrenal and gonadal development, function and maintenance. In addition to its classical role in regulating the expression of P450 steroid hydroxylases and other steroidogenic genes, involvement in other key processes such as cell survival/proliferation and cytoskeleton dynamics have also been highlighted for SF-1. SF-1 has a restricted pattern of expression, being expressed along the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and in steroidogenic organs since the time of their establishment. Reduced SF-1 expression affects proper gonadal and adrenal organogenesis and function. On the other hand, SF-1 overexpression is found in adrenocortical carcinoma and represents a prognostic marker for patients’ survival.
货号 | 产品名 | 中文名称 | 产品描述 |
SJ-MX7795 | SID 7969543 |
SID 7969543 是一种选择性的 SF-1 (类固醇生成因子 1,NR5A1) 抑制剂,IC50 为 760 nM。SID 7969543 抑制 SF-1 触发的荧光素酶表达,IC50 为 30 nM。 |